Gifted and Sub-Categories
Gifted and Sub-Categories
- Able to concentrate for lengthy periods
- Wide imaginations and keen readers
- Persevere with interests and sometimes less interested in different tasks
- Interested in jigsaws, Minecraft and Robotics
- Enjoy paradoxes
- Sets high expectations but cannot always adhere to these
- Well-developed long term memory
- Are compassionate, curious, sensitive and humorous
- Love observing and mathematics
- Love Mathematics
- Linda Silverman’s research is helpful
- Strong moral convictions
- Insightful and creative
- Complex personalities
Gifted and learning Difficulties (Twice Exceptional)
- Twice Exceptional (gifted and learning challenges)
- Twice Exceptional can also be Gifted with a combination of Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia or just one.
- High scores in the WISC V verbal and spatial abilities
- Above average vocabulary
- Enthusiasm for subjects of interest
- Often show outstanding skills in mathematical reasoning
- Divergent thinkers involving unusual, original, imaginative and creative thought processes
- Excellent visual memory
- Sophisticated sense of humour
- Not always able to do simple tasks but can complete more sophisticated activities
- Spelling difficulties
- Poor handwriting, reversals of letter and poor formation of letters can be common
- Can have reading inconsistencies with good comprehension but poor reading skills and the converse
- Difficulty with computation but demonstrate higher levels of mathematical reasoning
- Transposes numerals in mathematics
- Timed tests are not easy
- Does not respond well or consistently to auditory instructions/information
- Poor organisational skills, failure to complete or hand in assignments
- Difficulty with rote memorisation, sequential learning
- Poor ball handling skills
- Difficulty copying from the blackboard
- Generalises minor academic failure to feelings of overall inadequacy
- Affective behaviours might be low self-esteem and reluctance to take risks
- Can be disruptive, frustrated and off task
- Acts out without thinking about the consequences
- Can have poor social skills
- WISC Scores can show a scattered pattern (coding, digit span, arithmetic)
- Can question authority
- Can learn new concepts rapidly, are energetic and creative
- Enjoy adult discussions, are complexed and can be overwhelmed by abilities
- High sensitivity
- Excessive amounts of energy
- Can become bored and might have short attention span
- Respond well to emotionally stable and secure adults around
- Will resist authority if not democratically orientated
- Has preferred ways of learning, particularly in reading and mathematics
- Frustration can be evident if limited resources and fewer support people to assist
- Learns from an exploratory level and resists rote memory and just being a listener
- Has difficulties sitting still if not interested in topic
- Compassionate and has many fears such as death and loss of loved ones
- When failure is experienced, they often give up and develop permanent learning blocks
- Poor test performance
- Achieving at or below year level expectations in reading, language, arts and mathematics
- Daily work frequently incomplete or poorly done
- Superior comprehension and retention of concepts when interested
- Significant gap between level of oral and written work
- Exceptionally large repertoire of factual knowledge
- Creative imagination
- Persistent dissatisfaction with work accomplished, even in art
- Can avoid new activities for fear of imperfection and self-criticism
- Retains pursuit of self-selected projects at home
- Shows wide range of interest and special expertise in an area of investigation and research
- Has low self-esteem, withdraws and can be aggressive
- Has difficulties functioning comfortably within group work
- Shows sensitivity and perceptions related to self, others and life in general
- Tends to set unrealistic self-expectations, goals too high or too low
- Dislikes practice work or drill for memorization and mastery
- Shows low concentration and attention
- Can have a negative attitude towards school
- Can resist teacher efforts to motivate or discipline behaviour in class
- Has difficulty in peer relationships and maintaining friendships
Gifted Creative Children
Gifted creative children can often display many of the following characteristics: